
655 – Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace

Description: OSHA estimates more than 5.6 million workers are at risk of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. All occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) place workers at risk for infection with bloodborne pathogens. This course is designed for individuals who require bloodborne pathogens training, but are not required to develop or manage their exposure control plan (ECP). 

Course Image

Features: 2 Course Hours which includes 14 Modules

1.       What are Bloodborne Pathogens?

2.       Specific Bloodborne Pathogens

3.       Transmitting Bloodborne Pathogens

4.       Your Employer's Exposure Control Plan

5.       Recognize The Potential For Exposure

6.       Exposure Control Methods

7.       Needlestick Safety

8.       Universal Precautions

9.       Personal Protective Equipment

10.   Laboratory Safety

11.   Hepatitis B (HBV) Immunization

12.   When An Exposure Occurs

13.   Housekeeping

14.   Communicating A Hazard

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