
715 – Electrical Safety for Technicians and Supervisors

Description: This course describes the hazards of electrical work and basic approaches to working safely. You will learn skills to help you recognize, evaluate, and control electrical hazards. This information will prepare you for additional safety training such as hands-on exercises and more detailed reviews of regulations for electrical work. This course is vital, as electrical safety is part of two of OSHA's 10 most frequently cited violations.

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Features: 7 Course Hours and 10 Modules

1.       Electricity is Dangerous

2.       The Dangers of Electrical Shock

3.       Electrical Burns

4.       The Electrical Safety Model

5.       Recognizing Hazards

6.       Evaluating Your Risk

7.       Safe Work Environments

8.       Working on Live Circuits

9.       Safe Work Practices

10.   Electrical Protective Equipment

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