
Machine Guarding

Course Aim:

There seem to be as many hazards created by moving machine parts as there are types of machines. Safeguards are essential for protecting workers from needless and preventable injuries. Any machine part, function, or process which may cause injury must be safeguarded. Where the operation of a machine or accidental contact with it can injure the operator or others in the vicinity, the hazard must be controlled or eliminated.

Course Image

Course Content:

·         Identify and apply machine guarding safety measures as required by OSHA regulations to ensure the minimum requirements for compliance are met and exceeded.

·         Identify the basic requirements of machine guarding by following the list of standards established to ensure the safety of machine operators and other employees.

·         Evaluate the various hazardous movements that may result in employee injury to better understand how proper safety guarding offers protection

·         Understand and distinguish the various types of motions and actions to prevent injury

·         Comprehend the general safety considerations in regard to safeguard requirements, implement the appropriate training, and understand correct guard construction.

·         Differentiate between the various types of guards and devices, their advantages and limitations of their use, and their purpose.

·         Identify the different types of guards, the potential hazards they could pose, and the advantages and disadvantages of each guard based on the type of machine it is being used on. 

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